Sunday, January 18, 2009

The World is a BiG PLayGrounD.

The World is a Big PlayGround??

It is? It sure is....

Welcome to reality guys and gals. The world is definitely a big playground for us to play in. Life, we're suppose to have fun living it. The falls we have from falling off the swing, those are the harsh side life has to offer, and the excitement and joy we gain from going down a slide and reaching a maximum velocity while swinging on the swing, Those are the heart-pumping-fun adrenaline side of life.

Everyone i know has a reason to say "YOU CAN PUT THE PAST AWAY". Yea just like that song "JUmper" By Third Eye Blind. Stop thinking about the past for it had pass, stop thinking about the future for it is yet to come, and start living the present people, for it is happening. People tend to surpass the present when it's actually ongoing.. Why? Maybe they're scared that their past will haunt them, maybe they're scared of how their actions in the present may haunt them in the future. Either way, we're wasting time.. SO IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE PEOPLE.

** Listen to this song while you continue reading: <<< Hit on this link

[ Where's the Reset Button on Life? ]

( Isn't life wonderful? :] )

( Lil' Cousins :] )

( Bad Francis & Ralphie!! 2006 Camp Pengawas. ahahaha )

( Frank Douglas. 2007. haha! :p )

( Go crazy. Just close your eyes when u're sad and just JUMP! )

Get a fresh start on life. It's never too late. :] Be optimistic. Play hard in this crazy world we live in.. Run and just shout, trust me it's fun. Grab a coke, drink it, go to an open field and just jump, u'll feel a sudden rush of excitement. Trust me. :] I may sound crazy, but atleast it makes me happy. haha. I'm not high nor am i stoned, but some things in life are just not meant to be questioned. So go crazy, :] and falling in love, don't be afraid of falling in love. Being accidentally in love is in the stars, everyone experiences it. :] Gooo.. Go out and just have fun! trust me. u won't regret it. JUST MAKE SURE U DONT THINK TOO MUCH!! yea!!!

( My Bestfriend :] )

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